3 Signs You Should Replace Your Garage Door Opener

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3 Signs You Should Replace Your Garage Door Opener

3 Signs You Should Replace Your Garage Door Opener

1 September 2022
, Blog

A garage door opener makes operating your unit convenient. You can use the system to operate your garage door without getting out of your vehicle. Also, the garage door opener protects you from accidents as you won't have to worry about the door crushing on you unexpectedly. This advantage is beneficial if you have kids or pets.

Moreover, garage door openers use codes that keep changing, making it hard for intruders to hack the system. Hence, your garage will be safe from security attacks.

With time, your garage door opener can malfunction and break down. Here are some signs that you need to replace the unit.

Garage Door Stops Working

There are various reasons why your garage door can stop working. 

  • Your transmitter batteries may be dead
  • The photo eye-sensor may be out of alignment
  • The track may be aligned improperly
  • The transmitter's antenna may be obstructed or damaged
  • Something could be blocking the garage door's path
  • The springs are broken

You need to ensure your garage door opener isn't in lock mode. Someone might have pressed it accidentally. Also, the garage door opener could be faulty if the lock button isn't the problem. You should inspect the system for any signs of abnormalities. For example, if you notice the wires are damaged, you should contact a garage door professional to diagnose the problem and decide if your appliance needs replacement.

Garage Door Opens and Shuts Independently

If the buttons on your wall control, keypad, and remote control get damaged, they may malfunction and send random signals to your garage door. Also, your garage door's limit settings may be incorrect. The settings regulate how far the door goes when opening and closing. You will need to call an expert to re-adjust your settings.

If the wires connecting the motor unit to the wall control are faulty, they can cause your garage door to open abnormally. Rats and other pests can chew the wires leading to short circuits. Also, nails and other sharp objects can prick the wires. Moreover, power surges can damage your door's electrical circuit and trigger the door to behave erratically. If none of the above factors is the problem, there could be a hidden issue that only a specialist can handle.

Strange Noises

Due to age-related wear and tear, a garage door may squeak. The rollers and hinges might require additional lubrication, or your opener might need to be replaced. It's also possible that the door has dislodged from its track or that the nuts and bolts are loose. You might need to repair your garage door opener if you hear a rattling sound. The door might not be correctly placed or be unbalanced.

Reach out to a company like Overhead Door Mason City to find out more. 

About Me
Keeping Your Garage Door Functional

When I bought my house, I immediately noticed that my garage door seemed to have trouble. It had a few bent panels, and it seemed to have problems opening and closing. I was frustrated about the problem, and so I decided to see if I could fix it myself. I looked up a few online tutorials, and tried my hand at garage door repair. It was a disaster. I accidentally bent a garage door track, which made it so the door wouldn't even open and close. I ended up calling a professional, who installed a new door and taught me how to maintain it. This blog is all about helping you to keep your garage door functional.