Types of Repair a Traditional Steel Garage Door May Need

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Types of Repair a Traditional Steel Garage Door May Need

Types of Repair a Traditional Steel Garage Door May Need

17 October 2023
, Blog

When it comes to residential garage doors, traditional steel doors are a popular choice. However, just like any mechanical system, they can experience issues over time. Understanding the types of repair a traditional steel garage door may need can help you identify problems early on and take proactive steps to address them. This post explores common repairs that you may encounter with your residential steel garage door.

Broken Springs

One of the most common issues with traditional steel garage doors is broken springs. Springs bear the weight of the door and assist in its smooth operation. Over time, these springs can break due to repeated use or general wear and tear. A broken spring will cause the door to become heavy and difficult to open or close. Professional residential garage door repair technicians can easily replace the broken spring and ensure the door functions properly.

Misaligned Tracks

Another common repair needed for traditional steel garage doors is the realignment of tracks. Over time, the tracks that guide the door's movement can become misaligned due to accidental bumps or general usage. When the tracks are not properly aligned, the door may become off-track or operate in a jerky manner. This not only compromises the door's functionality but can also pose a safety risk. A professional technician will inspect and realign the tracks to ensure smooth and safe operation.

Malfunctioning Garage Door Opener

Residential garage doors greatly benefit from garage door openers, which not only enhance convenience but also bolster security. However, they can sometimes malfunction and require repair. Some issues with garage door openers could include faulty wiring, motor problems, and sensor misalignment. A malfunctioning opener may result in the door not opening or closing properly or experiencing intermittent operation. Garage door technicians have the expertise to diagnose and fix these issues, restoring proper functionality to your door.

Damaged Panels

The panels of a traditional steel garage door can be susceptible to accidental impacts, extreme weather conditions, or general wear and tear. Cracked or dented panels not only affect the door's aesthetics but can also compromise its structural integrity. In such cases, replacing the damaged panels is necessary to maintain the door's functionality and appearance. A professional repair service can identify the damaged panels and replace them as needed.

Noisy Operation

If your traditional steel garage door is making excessive noise during operation, it may be an indication of underlying issues. Noisy doors can result from worn-out rollers, loose components, or poor lubrication. Regular maintenance, including lubrication and tightening of hardware, can help alleviate the noise. However, if the noise persists, it's advisable to seek professional help.

Traditional steel garage doors may require various types of repairs over time. From broken springs to misaligned tracks and malfunctioning openers, it's important to address these issues promptly to maintain the door's functionality and safety.  

For more info about residential overhead door repair, contact a local company. 

About Me
Keeping Your Garage Door Functional

When I bought my house, I immediately noticed that my garage door seemed to have trouble. It had a few bent panels, and it seemed to have problems opening and closing. I was frustrated about the problem, and so I decided to see if I could fix it myself. I looked up a few online tutorials, and tried my hand at garage door repair. It was a disaster. I accidentally bent a garage door track, which made it so the door wouldn't even open and close. I ended up calling a professional, who installed a new door and taught me how to maintain it. This blog is all about helping you to keep your garage door functional.